Edwin and Gabi inducted into The Absolute Sound High-End Audio Hall of Fame!

December 2024

We are proud to share that Edwin and Gabi Rynveld are featured as the new inductees into The Absolute Sound Hall of Fame 2024!

The TAS Hall of Fame showcases the lives and accomplishments of some of the biggest contributors to the world of high-end audio equipment. This article in particular, written by Dick Olsher, goes in depth into the lives and history of the Rynvelds. It specifically talks about their shared passion for high end audio and how they grew their business to the international powerhouse it is today.

Olsher also talks about the technology and materials we use in our cables, and how that makes us unique. He writes: “The payoff (of silver-gold alloy) is reduced time smearing of the signal, preservation of low-level detail, and improved cable flexibility and longevity.”

He also explains the technological advancements made at Siltech, talking about the science and craftsmanship behind our discoveries. “Monocrystal technology results in the highest possible material purity as crystal boundary effects are effectively eliminated. (…) In particular, the flagship Master Crown cable series is as good as it gets.”

We are undeniably thrilled with this highlight from The Absolute Sound’s Hall of Fame. You can read the full article here!

Watch or just listen in with Edwin Rynveld as he talks all things Siltech Siltech Master Crown.

Edwin Rynveld Siltech Master Crown Interview

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